Tune in to Qualify and Win Silverwood passes!

Our Super Slippin’ Slidin’ Summer at Silverwood is back! And we want you and The Fam Bam to Enjoy everything they have to offer! Tune in Weekdays at 8:40 am in the Neighborhood, 12:40 in the Lunch Rush, 2:40, 3:40, 4:40, and 5:40 pm with Ryan in the Afternoons for your chance to qualify and Win your Family 4 pack of passes! Listen For the Silverwood cue to call then pick up the phone and call us at 509-575-9977! Caller 21 will be entered for our Friday drawings at 9 am! GOODLUCK!

Click the link to set up your Family trip to Silverwood!! https://www.silverwoodthemepark.com/


Super Slippin’ Slidin’ Summer at Silverwood!